Friday, September 20, 2013

An open letter to Verizon

When my current contract ends you will be losing me as a customer. Now that other providers carry phones that suit my needs I no longer have any reason to remain with Verizon. But I do have reason to leave.

I know you hear the same complaint regularly, quit cluttering up my phone. I live three-hundred miles from the nearest ocean. So a tide monitor is rather useless to me. I could not care less about the spoiled crybabies in the NFL. So why must I have the NFL app on my phone? I don't listen to music, I don't watch videos, I don't Skype... yet I have all these apps on my phone. These apps take up valuable space that I cannot use for the apps that I do want.

I don't mind that these apps come pre-installed. I understand marketing and the need to provide a spectrum of generic content to try and please a broad group of people. What I mind is that it is impossible to remove these apps. What fucking moron thought it was a good idea to make the NFL part of the operating system? Do you really think that is something the majority of your customers actually want? I doubt it. And just because I bought a ruggedized phone does not mean I need "adventure" apps like a compass and tide monitor. But the only way for me to remove this useless clutter from my phone is to void the warranty and risk breaking the phone by rooting it.

Or I could simply switch to another company that understands that customers are individuals with unique desires.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

An honest question

If it is righteous and legal for one country to attack another when the latter uses poison gas against its own citizens, including children...

...then why didn't somebody righteously attack the US when the evil dictator Bill Clinton sent agents to use poison gas against children in Waco, Texas?