Every so often somebody says something that I find so utterly revolting that I find it difficult to remain civil about it. This time around it is author Stephen King who has roused my ire.
I realize there is no shortage of anti-gun nuts in the Hollywood crowd. But it's the attitude that Mr. King displayed in the interview I just watched which really has me seeing red. Mr. King claims he has "no patience" for people like Mr. Wayne LaPierre of the NRA. What people would that be, exactly, Mr. King? People who believe that freedom is an absolute and not open for debate? Well count me among that group.
I believe absolutely that gays should have the freedom to marry. I believe absolutely that women should have the freedom to get an abortion. And I believe absolutely that everybody should be free to own guns.
I believe absolutely that my freedoms are not dependent on the behavior of others. I don't have to license my bathtub because a number of women drown their children in a bathtub. I don't have to be chemically neutered because some men insist on raping women. And I don't have to give up my guns because a handful of sociopaths flip out and kill people.
Liberals don't believe in freedom. They talk about freedom. They rant about freedom. They write songs about freedom. But they only believe people should have a certain set of freedoms as prescribed by the Socialati*. Liberals believe that people should be free to use words like "hick", "redneck", and "hillbilly" to describe rural folks, but words like "faggot", "nigger", and "wetback" are signs of small-minded bigotry and must be eradicated. Liberals believe people should be free to bash Christians as much as they want, but anybody who bashes Muslims is an "Islamophobe" who needs to be re-educated. Liberals believe a woman who gorges herself and then deliberately vomits to avoid gaining weight is the unfortunate victim of a disorder, but a woman who just gorges herself and skips the vomiting is merely a lazy fatass who needs to learn self-control. Liberals think it's an abomination to tax the working man to pay for the "war on terror", but it's perfectly fine to tax the working man to pay for the "war on poverty". Liberals think that Tipper Gore and her PMRC were somehow different from the book-burning, right-wing censoristas* so often vilified in movies. They see the flawed right-wing attempt to eradicate crime by prohibiting alcohol as being somehow different from the flawed left-wing attempt to eradicate crime by prohibiting guns. Liberals are quick to trot out clever quips like, "if you don't like abortion, don't get one." But they get flustered if you use the exact same logic on them and tell them, "if you don't like guns, don't get one." Liberals are fond of attacking corporations by saying, "corporations can't be treated like individuals" while out the other side of their mouth they are talking about "Society" and "The Greater Good" as though they are real, live beings whose rights supersede the rights of the individuals. Liberals don't see that they are just the flip side of the same fascist, totalitarian coin occupied by conservatives.
Enough rambling. I'll get to the point. Mr. King; if you, Mr. Michael Moore, and the rest of the Socialati think this "one" is going to stand and defend the rights of those you support while you are actively trying to take away my rights then you definitely have another thing coming. You are the same sort of small-minded vermin who burned innocent young girls to death to "protect" the community from evil witches. You seek to punish those who have hurt no-one. You seek to turn honest people into criminals simply because you do not approve of their lifestyle. I have had enough of you liberals telling me how I should think, what I should eat, how I should live my life, and then expecting me to be thrilled with the situation. I have had enough of you liberals telling me that I am a second-class person unworthy of being treated with the same respect as others. I will remain silent no longer. Fuck you, Mr. King. Fuck Mr. Moore. Fuck Mr. George Soros. Fuck every single socialist. Fuck every socialist sympathizer. I am a sovereign individual. My life is mine to live, not yours to control. I have no more respect for you than I have for the inbred bible-thumpers who try to control me. Birds of a feather, you and they.
Good day, sir.
*Socialati is a portmanteau I coined because "socialist" just doesn't convey the insidiousness of the socialist movement.
*Censorista probably doesn't need an explanation.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Brief thoughts on linux
I'm a huge fan of linux. I love the flexibility and speed of it. And it's hard to be angry about the price. But mostly I like the fact I can tinker with it and adapt it to my specific needs.
I've tried some thirty different versions of linux since I first "discovered" it several years ago. One thing I've learned the hard way is that Ubuntu is to linux what Budweiser is to beer, wildly popular despite being absolute shit.
I've tried some thirty different versions of linux since I first "discovered" it several years ago. One thing I've learned the hard way is that Ubuntu is to linux what Budweiser is to beer, wildly popular despite being absolute shit.
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